Saturday 15 August 2009

Challenge 11 'Just a bit more../OTT,' Winner of 10 and DT Inspiration

CHALLENGE 11 - THEME: 'Just a bit more...' or 'OTT' (over the top)
How to play:
Throw simplicity and reserve out of the window, we want a paper craft item (card or other) that leaps out at us and demands attention!
Here are a few suggestions, but how you interpret the theme is entirely up to you.
  • This item might be the sort you couldn't fit in an ordinary envelope or something that would have a very specific market. Go Over The Top!
  • Maybe focus on;
    Embellishments e.g., 'explosion of flowers,' 'loads of bling,' 'reams of ribbon,' 'multiple images'....
    Design e.g., 'excessively folded card,' 'incredibly involved project,' 'loads of layers'....
    Style e.g., 'super girly...butch...sweet...spotty...chintzy...'

Check out the great DT inspiration below!

Any papercraft item is allowed but it must have a bit of 'digital' somewhere (image, papers...) it doesn't have to be a 'Bee Crafty' image, but I hope you'll be tempted to use my images! Submit by Saturday 29th August (Midday UK) by posting on your blog and commenting below. The PRIZE is one of my downloads! (See full rules to the right.)

WINNER of Challenge 10 (colouring in) is the talented Jodi!

DESIGN INSPIRATIONS [using Bee Crafty digital images - available here]

Guest Designer, Lynsey - Why have one windmill when you can have three!

Sue - Make more of the image by creating a full blown 3D scene (love the curtain Sue!)

Trixi - 'Just a bit more...' dots, circles and two for the price of one bunnies! Gorgeous.

Kim - Busy up backgrounds with more blocks of patterned paper and layer up 'just a bit more...' than usual. Great job!

Dei - 'Just a bit more...' humour, cuteness, bursts of flowers and bunnies! I'm still smiling at this one Dei :)

Lori - ...loves dots and buttons... Use this challenge to pile on your favourite things!

Proof indeed that adding more elements to your creations doesn't necessarily mean they'll look like you dropped the contents of your craft box all over them!

We look forward to your creations and interpretation of the theme.

[If you didn't visit us last fortnight scroll back to check out the great tutorials]


Sheri Gilson said...

Jodi, Congrats!! Your card is adorable!

Merrigan, thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know my card is up in the Designer Spot! Very exciting!! :D

Julie Leblanc said...

A little bit more goes a long way :-)

Julie Leblanc - Kewlstamps-n-more

Larissa said...


Gorgeous cards from the design team! I went over the top with dots. You can see it here


Sandra said...

Hi Ladies, love all of your DT cards and awesome embellishments!!

Here is my entry


Elaine ♥ said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous creations by the DT :) I have gone OTT with my ice creams and frames rofl!!

Here is My Card!!

Elaine x

WendyP said...

love all the creations from the DT.
So glad I found your wonderful digital images.

heres my card for the challenge

Nicole said...

I JUST FOUND YOU GUYS! When I saw this challenge I KNEW which card I needed to submit for your review! See it here:

{I hope it is okay that this post is from July 5th!}

I think your images are SUPAH sweet! Thanks for offering the chance to win a freebie!! I will check in on you OFTEN!! Hugs, Nicole Anderson

clare said...

WOW..what gorgeous creations by all the DT girls..well done.
but im sorry to say my fav has got to be sue's at the curtain...fab idea.
if i get some time ill try and enter.
thanks clare xx

Lisa said...

wonderful samples here's my card

Katie said...

Super dt work!
Here's my entry

suzARTe said...

I think the bouquet of flowers is slightly OTPHere is my card.

Gypsy said...

Hello-found your lovely blog yesterday--went to work right away using your delightful digi. My bookmark entry is at the following addy:

Wagons of Friendship,
Scrappin' Gypsy