- Click on 'Flower Girl' above to enlarge her and then right click to save to your computer.
- Then use the image to create a fabulous card!
- Post a picture of your card on your own blog.
- Let me know it's there by commenting on this post.
- I will then pop by and have a look at your design (enter as many designs as you like.)
- The best one will feature on the Bee Crafty blog with a link to your blog and you’ll receive my next new download for FREE! DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES - Saturday 11th April (Midday UK)
See the 'Competition' box on the right for the normal rules.
ANOTHER FREEBIE!!....an exclusive, not for sale, cute Easter image. Just add my Mini Banner to your blog, with a link embedded to http://bee-crafty.blogspot.com/ Let me know when you have and I'll email you an attachment of the free image!
Thank you for the download. I have added your banner to my sidebar and have become a follower.
thankyou for the lovely comment and the fab download i have added your banner to my blog and am now a follower of your blg as well
Done and dusted Bee, a great idea
what a gorgeous image..ive just downloaded her..cant wait to colour her in..will post a pic on my blog once finish..and ill let you know,ive also added the mini banner to my blog and become a follower.
thanks for sharing your work
hugs clarex
Really cute graphics Bee-will post a link on my sidebar straight away-good luck with your new venture!
Dei xx
Hi Bee, lovely image thanks for the freebie.
I have added your banner to my sidebar. Good luck with your blog.
Hugs Lynsey:)
ginny here, posted your link on my blog this morning
Looking forward to creating a card with this cute image
I love your drawings!!! So simple to give me lots of room for my interpertation! Hopefully I'll get the time to participate in you challenge!!
thank you for your flower girl and your help
i posted your link to my blog...Bea x
I have posted my card made from this little cutie on my blog.Bea x
Hi there I have put you banner on my blog, look forward to seeing more of your designs they look fab!
Thankyou for the lovely comment and the fab download I have added your banner to my blog and am now a follower of your blog as well.
I got your flower girl colored tonight but I'll be making her again. I was play around with my brand new prisma pencils.
Here it is!
Oh thanx for the download, I've added your cute wee banner to my blog
Ger xxx
The Easter stamp is so cute. I'm printing it out as we speak. I can't wait to color it!!!
This cute Min-Banner (with a link) is on my blog, on the right side!! Thanks for the freebies!! I'll make a card and post it here!!
Good luck with this blog!!!
Thank you for Flower Girl. She is beautiful. Can't wait to colour her! Have added your banner with link to your blog.
Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. They are much appreciated.
Love Lynne. X
made a card with this cute image and just posted on my blog
I made a card with your Easter image that I though you migh want to take a look at.
Here it is!
I've put a pic of my card I made with the little cutie on my blog http://creative-4-u.blogspot.com/
Such a sweet image which I really enjoyed using - here's my card
Jan x
i LOVE the bunny stamp, made a card this morning and posted on my blog
Thanks for sharing your artwork - I love the flower girl can't wait to colour her in later :-) have become a follower and added your banner on my blog http://carolinesblog-carolineh1972.blogspot.com/
hi Bee..just to let you know..ive just added a card to my blog using your free image you sent me...and omg its such a cutie..hope you like it.
thanks clarexx
hope you have a lovely weekend
Thank you for the freebie on your blog.
I have also added your banner (with embedded link) to my blog, which is here:
WOW thanks for the freebie, will be making my card soon and will post it and link it here!!!
See ya soon
Thanks so much for the freebie. Here's my card!
Mine will post tomorrow on my blog and I have added your banner to my sidebar of my blog....TFL
Thanks again for the 'sweet' digi image!!!
Thanks so much for the digi stamp. Sheis such a doll! I really enjoyed coloring her. Here is my Blog: www.piggyandminniemouse.blogspot.com.
I added your blinkie to my sidebar as well.
My card has posted.....hope you like it!!!
Hi Bee, thank you for the freebie image, I'm going to have a play later. I've also added your mini banner and a link to your blog on my sidebar. Thanks again, hugs, Denise x
I too have added your Banner & Link on my sidebar. My blog
becreativewithme.blogspot.com. Love the freebie image that I've checked out on other blogs - can't wait to get colouring!!!!!
Thanks Belinda x
Hi Bee saw your comment on the Dareu2digistamp blog thought I would pay a visit and glad I did. I have put you banner with the link in my sidebar I have also got the freebie girl and will make a card with her this week then I will let you know.http://coldwaters2.blogspot.com
Hi again Bee I have not only become a follower and added you banner to my sidebar but I have also completed a card using your freebie lady and it is on my blog http://coldwaters2.blogspot.com
Lorraine x
I posted your banner in my blog sidebar! Looking foward to the fun!
Thank you for Flower Girl Bee, she's so sweet and i thoroughly enjoyed making my card with her...shall pop your banner on my blog now :) Love Katy x
This little cutie was a lot of fun. Thanks so much!
Here's my card:
Thanks again for the bunny image. I made a card with it today! Here it is.
Lovely image, am going to make a card right now :-) I have posted a banner link on my blog !
thanks x
Hi Bee!
I LOVE your images-haven't yet made a card with this cute girl but I've posted a pic of the card I made with your lovely freebie on my blog!
Dei xx
ps I watercoloured it no problem once I sprayed it with fixative first.
Thank you for the freebies, I have finally managed to make a card.
It is here
Emma x
I finally made a card with the little girl image, you can see her on my blog http://creative-4-u.blogspot.com/
I have made a card using this lovely image.
You can see it here
I couldn't resist your cute little flower girl.
Thank you so much.
My card is here
I have added your banner link in my sidebar :-)
i juste deiscoverd this blog i downloaded the image to use it probably tomorrow.
i made the link to your blog from mine
val x
Hi to you all,
I thank you for the chance to enter this challenge. This is my card called Marriage in Greece.
I hope you all like it. Please remember I am running a blog candy here
Thank you
Greg B
Incy Wincy Children's Charity
Hello! I added your banner to my sidebar.
My Blog.
Your banner is on my sidebar and my card with the Flower Girl is here
Thanks for looking,
Ali xx
Thanks for the freebie :o)
My card is here
Thank you for the freebie. You can see what I've done with it here
Ali xx
YEAHHH!! Another digi image site, I'm SO excited!!! I have added your blinkie to my blog here: http://cattsscratchingpost.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the freebie!
Lovely images, Ive added your banner to my blog and now I'm going to make a card.
Hi my card is on my blog, A lovely image to work with.
I've added your banner to my blog which is
My email is snooptigger@hotmail.com
Hi - lovely blog but how do I do this --
Just add my Mini Banner to your blog, with a link embedded to http://bee-crafty.blogspot.com/
my blog is: http://coconutgrovecards.blogspot.com
I have managed to copy your banner over - can't you tell I'm new to all this blogging stuff!!!! Thanks - Carol
I posted your mini banner (with embedded link) on my blog -- http://kathybslittlecorner.blogspot.com/
Hi Bee! Your images are so sweet. I added you mini banner to my blog: http://web.me.com/smattessich/CropStar/Home/Home.html
Thank you for sharing your work!
It's a cute little thing. I like the dolly, and took a sketch of it right now. Please share more of such home crafts ideas.
I have posted your mini banner on my blog and have also become a follower.
Thank you for the cute image....Chris
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